Sara Lisbeth Houser
For me, quarantine has been a much-needed pause on life. I am thankfully still able to teach virtually. I feel very privileged and grateful to be free of financial stress (so far) and that I’ve been able to maintain a connection with my students — it’s been very good for my sanity.
Prior to quarantine, I had a tendency to get wrapped up in living show-to-show or project-to-project. I habitually packed my schedule for years, so the forced simplification that quarantine brought was really needed. It took some adjusting, though. I am trying to use this time to really think about what is important to me and what makes me happy, but also to notice which parts of my pre-COVID-19 life were taking a toll on me. I don’t think any of us will return to our old ways after this, and I’m mostly hoping that we all come out of this better.